Art UK Curations

CMS, Collection Management, Information architecture, Design, Development, Accessibility

Visit Art UK Curations
Image of Venus Verticordia, painted by Dante Gabriel Rossetti.




The main challenge of designing this product was balancing ease of use for general audiences while being flexible enough for specialised users, such as curators from museums and other public collections.



In terms of the process we followed to create this tool, we started by conducting research on our audiences and creating personas. We divided the design process into short iterative steps and started with a design workshop to sketch different templates based on research insights.



During the initial stages, we decided to repurpose the existing ‘Albums’ functionality, which allowed the collation of artworks in private image boards. We adapted this into private 'Curations', allowing users to decide if they'd like to publish them on the site or enhance them with the new 'Curations' features, such as added commentary and different visualisations.



After sketching our templates, we created the first iteration of the wireframes and defined 3 visualisation templates for each curation: storyline, album and showcase. We validated these designs with the Art UK team and moved on to designing the editor; in which users can organise artworks, choose a display mode or add commentaries.



Finally, we jumped onto interface design and unified the new templates with the existing Art UK look and feel. You can have a look at the existing curations on the Art UK website, or create your own! And don’t forget to share your curation using the hashtags #CurateYourOwn and #ArtUKCurations when you’re done.


Art UK Learning Portal

As the pandemic changed the learning landscape, the Learning Portal became a pivotal addition to the Art UK website

Art Detective

Solving mysteries in public art collections across the United Kingdom

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